Friday, April 29, 2011

How old do you think I am?!

I had a funny conversation with one of my eighth grade students today.  It all started when we were talking about cell phones.  I made a comment about not having a cell phone until I could pay for the bill myself, which didn't happen until I was a sophomore in high school.  After that the conversation went something like this:

Student: You were in high school when you got your first cell phone?!

Me:  Yea, you guys should consider yourselves lucky to have them now.

Student:  Was it a nice sleek Blackberry?

Me: (chuckling) No!  It was a big huge flip phone and you had to pull out the antenna to get service!

Student:  What?!  Did you at least have texting?

Me:  No one had texting.

Student:  Did you at least have facebook?

Me:  Not until I was in college.

Student:  So what did you do?  Did you just sit in your room and cry?

Me:  Why would I do that?

Student:  Well you didn't have anything else to do.

I just smiled and said that I had plenty of things to do.  He seemed to be satisfied with this answer and turned around to read his book.  About 5 minutes later he turned back around...

Student:  Did you have to wear a big poofy dress to school when you were younger?

Me:  I wasn't born in the 1800's!!!

I just love these little stories.  They're what keep me smiling.  I should probably consider starting a new version of Kids Say the Darndest Things.  I will make a school edition of it and it will be hilarious!